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Training Posts

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Training Posts Empty Training Posts

Post  FlyingPinkPony Fri May 15, 2009 1:17 am

When you make a character create a thread with your characters name as the title in this forum. Each week starting on Sunday you are allowed to post a thread describing some of the training your character does. This is a passive way to slowly increase your characters ability even if you are not currently in an adventure. This allows your character to progress with minimal time requirement and is very flexible. It is also a great way to further your character if their are no adventures present.

Note- Being in an adventure does not prevent you from training each week.

How Training posts work.

Each training post must consist of a minimum of 200 words and should be reasonably well written. Perfect grammar and spelling are not required but please make an effort.

At the end of your post specify which statistic(s) you would like to increase. (Ws, S, T, Ag, Wp, W). You get a total of 2 points to add to your stats. A moderator will look over your post at the end of each week and make the adjustments to your characters stats page.

Keep in mind-
Posts over 350 words grant an additional an additional stat increase (for a total of 3). Also your stat increase should be relevant to what you do in the role-play. Do not ask for an agility increase if you were pumping iron.

Also Note- Skill points are gained through adventuring only while stat points are gained from training.

The posting cycle resets between Saturday night and Sunday West Coast time.

Last edited by FlyingPinkPony on Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:34 pm; edited 7 times in total

Posts : 772
Join date : 2009-05-15


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Training Posts Empty Sample Training Post

Post  FlyingPinkPony Fri May 15, 2009 1:35 am

Sotek crept through the jungle around the encampment. His keen eyes alert. Stopping suddenly his nose twitched as a familiar sickening scent caught his attention. Orc. Leaping from the underbrush his scaled hands were wrapped fast around of orc before it even was aware of Sotek’s presence. The greenskin was covered in tattoos and warpaint. Its feral eyes were glinted with madness as it struck Sotek in the head. The saurus’s scaled hide shrugged off the blow. His claws dug into the orcs neck as its eyes bulged and it gasped for air. Picking up a rock the orc swung it into Sotek’s head knocking him off of its body. Recovering quickly with a roll Sotek let out a roar and shook off the blood that had begun dripping into his eye. The orc responded with a feral bellow dropping the rock and drawing its club. The orc charged bringing its club down. Sotek raised his arm above his head. The wooden weapon connected with a crunch and splintered. Smirking with his other hand Sotek slashed the orcs face with his claws cutting both of its eyes. The orc screamed and stumbled back clutching its face and Sotek pounced. Crushing its throat once more with his right hand, his left smashed over and over again into the mad beasts skull with a crunch. It took only a few seconds for the orc to stop twitching. Sotek grinned and stood up releasing its grip on the green neck. He ripped the shards of wood from his arm. Taking a few deep breaths to recover he wiped the blood from his face and he slunk back into the jungle.

Stats: +2 T.
250 word count: +1 S.
(Total +1S +2T)

Posts : 772
Join date : 2009-05-15


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Training Posts Empty Scaled Training

Post  FlyingPinkPony Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:27 pm

As characters gain experience, attributes, etc some players may become considerably more powerful than other players. I understand that this can be very frustrating for some new players who might feel behind and the ability to never catch up. I also understand that there is a strong feeling in many veteran communities people who have been sticking with it do not wish to feel their efforts have been for naught. Now bear in mind GMs running adventures will scale their adventures to the players they possess so nobody should ever feel unable to perform. In addition this system lends itself nicely to lower tier players contributing. The direct performance difference between a veteran and new player is much lower than that of many systems. We're not dealing with fielding a level 1 with a level 30 or anything of that nature. But in an effort to please both of the aforementioned ideologies, both of which I agree with, there are a few changes to training posts and leveling that I hope people will find refreshing and beneficial to all players.

    -Starting stats, points, etc including skill points and character points will slowly increase as the player population ages and rises.

    -A characters first training post is worth double the stat bonuses for the total of +6. This is to encourage new players to take their first steps as +6 to a single stat is a significant increase.

    -Lastly there will be a stat curve or bar implemented. Basically what will happen is there will be a value assigned for the total value of all a players combined stats should be above. Players below this limit will receive an additional 1 or 2 stat points each training post until they are above this bar (1 for short word limit, 2 for long). What this will do is allow underpowered players to progress more quickly as the population advances while still keeping the active veteran players slightly ahead of the pack as a reward for their work, dedication, and effort.

Currently due to the small population and relative equality of players their is no stat bar.

Posts : 772
Join date : 2009-05-15


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